
With an elite team of researchers and world class reaserch centers we aim to be among the best organization for high end reaserch and innovation in frontier area of science and technology.

We have perfected the art to deliver quality research and output with a group of motivated and dedicated core group of expert scientists in the field of Biotechnology and Internet Technology.

Our Achievements

  • First Institute to have Super Computing facility of 1.5 Teraflop.
  • First Bioelectrified village using Biodiesel generators.
  • Breakthrough Micro propagation work in bio energy plantation.
  • High end web 2.0 software development and research.
  • More than 50 publications per year in journals having high impact factor.

MITS Innovation Research and Consultancy Ltd.

MITS Innovation Research & Consultancy Pvt. Ltd is an spinoff company from MITS Incubation centre with focus on high end internet technology for education and retail sector.